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2024 Sightings Database - Currently dealing with a database issue
Our database is an overview of UFO sightings reported in the United Kingdom since 2021. Updated weekly from a wide variety of sources, we believe this to be the biggest collection of current-day sightings available. There are lots of different UFO organisations in the UK who collect their own details of sighting, so we have done the leg work of collating all this information into one easily-viewable database.
Below is an example of details for each sighting. These are as they are reported by the reporting person. More information on individual sightings, including any video or photo evidence, may be available on the Source website (additional membership may be required).
The main page shows all the sightings reported in the United Kingdom. If you scroll to the bottom of the page there are tabs for the different regions of the UK so you can narrow the database down to a specific area for more local sightings (Dev tab includes sighting reports in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland).
You need to be either a Website or Associate Member in order to access the database. When you access the Database, you will be prompted to log-in and if your account is registered as a Website or Group Member you will be able to see the database.
For sightings that have "UFO Identified' listed as the source, those are sightings reported directly to us and they will be investigated by a member of our team. Those investigation results will either be available now, or soon, on our Investigations page. For reports made to third-party organisations, you will have to visit their website for further information.
We are currently working on a 2020 database to compliment this one, however this is labour intensive and we don't want to publish an incomplete record but we hope to have this finished as soon as possible. As our focus is on current-day sightings, our database won't be going back any earlier than 2020.
As mentioned above, our database is compiled of information gained from a number of sources, with each sighting's source stated with each individual record on the database. Follow the links below for each source for further information on specific sightings (if available). Membership fees for some of these sites may be applicable. Sighting details are also obtained via Freedom of Information requests to various Government organisations and police forces.
Details over 100 fresh and new UFO reports in the UK, the new book from UFO Identified is OUT NOW on Amazon!